Pei-Yi's Blog
Little P's life in the USA

I just saw the message from
posted by 808lynn

She said you can get any food under $10 dollars + deliver for free!!
The promotion will expired on 9/30/09 for first 5000,000 customer.

Several people have responded that they received the food and taste good^0^
I also order a pizza,too^0^~

It is a smart promotion!

If I receive the food and it is tasty. It will be likely that I will order the food from it occasionally!! ^0^


One Response to “Schwan’s Free Food! Hurry!”

  • lovely Says:

    Any body receives the food?
    I got my pizza today.
    Actually I e-mail to them and asked why I didn’t get my order and they responded right away. No body called me still, but someone delivered it today. It’s frozen. I didn’t bake it yet.^0^