Pei-Yi's Blog
Little P's life in the USA


Well,is there really a place that kids can get a free toy?


“Toy Loan Center”–Thanks for Mei to share this information.
Each kid can borrow one toy for one to two weeks. Every time you take good care of your toy and bring it back, you receive a point. Once you have 20 good marks, you will receive a new Honor Toy!

The staff told me that they just had 20 points party, and the kids got their prizes. One boy got a big package of trucks with sounds and another child has a LeapFrog. They will ask kids what they want.

The closest one Toy Loan Center is at Lomita Park Recreation.

Lomita Park Recreation
24428 Eshelman Avenue,Lomita,CA
Check-out day:
Thursday at 10:30am-12:30pm 3:00pm to 4:00pm

We’ve been borrowed the toys twice and I really like this program. Wei-Wei already has 4 new barbies/princess at home (from her friends for her 3rd birthday) and she still wants to borrow another barbie at the toy loan center… I guess this is like what we say “Women always need one more clothes.” ^0^ Ha ha..

Want to find a toy loan center near you?
Please check:
Toy Loan Center Homepage

Toy Tester for Fisher-Price
^0^Only for people who live in Australia or New Zealand

It’s a super great website. You can buy or sell or post anything according to the category and areas. You can check “free” or “garage sale” for toys. But if you would like to pay a little bit, go to baby+kids to find out great stuff.

I sold some of my kids toys there, for example, I sold this Rock, Roll’n Ride Trike for $20. I think it’s a good deal for both sides. Then I can buy a new 16″ bike for Wei-Wei and Yan-Yan gets her sister’s 12″ one.

Coming soon~
Where to buy a brand new 16″ bike for only $34 ?!!

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